Happening now: Pakistan Travel and Tourism Symposium 2024

The travel and tourism jobs represented 6% of the nation's total employment in 2023

Happening now: Pakistan Travel and Tourism Symposium 2024
Caption: Pakistan tourism industry is shown remarkable growth
Source: PTDC

UAE:  To bolster the tourism industry, the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC), in collaboration with the World Bank Group and industry stakeholders, is hosting the grand "Pakistan Travel and Tourism Symposium 2024" in Islamabad on June 10 and 11.

Themed "Building The National Economy through Tourism," the symposium promises to be a pivotal event in shaping the future of Pakistan's tourism landscape.

Industry growth

Pakistan's tourism industry is experiencing a remarkable comeback from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the forecast by the World Travel and Tourism Council, the sector is expected to contribute a substantial 6% to the country's GDP, marking a significant turnaround from the 34% contraction witnessed in 2020.  The travel and tourism jobs represented 6% of the nation's total employment in 2023.

Recognizing Pakistan's stellar recovery, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation has lauded the nation as one of the standout destinations, showcasing a remarkable 93% growth in tourism receipts since 2019.

Interactive platforms 

Tourism Investment Forum shall provide a platform for investors to explore lucrative opportunities within Pakistan's burgeoning tourism sector.
Networking sessions will facilitate collaborations and partnerships to drive innovation and growth.
Tourism Expo will enable the attendees to understand Pakistan's diverse tourist attractions. 

By fostering collaboration, innovation, and resilience, the symposium endeavors to chart a course toward a vibrant and economically robust tourism landscape, ensuring Pakistan's rightful place on the global tourism map.